Trust Me Beauty

Eyelash Extensions

Ready for an eyelash on fleek?

our treatments

Eyelash Extensions

Would you like beautiful long, full and curled eyelashes without having to use mascara?

Then eyelash extensions are the solution.
During this treatment we carefully place one eyelash extension on one natural hair for the One By One look, or one fan on one natural hair for the Volume look.
This way we achieve a beautiful, intense look that still looks very natural.

Keep your eyelash extensions clean and in the best condition with Perfect Eyelash care products.
Our stylist will be happy to explain to you how best to do this.


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To make minor adjustments to the shape / color or thickness if the customer wishes. Also extends shelf life. This side effect is applied 6-8 weeks after the first treatment.

Day 1-3: Very dark
Day 4-10: Cracks and spots / loss of pigment
Day 11-28: No color/shape visible
Day 29-35: Slight color visible
Day 36-50: Color and shape more visible

The treatment lasts an average of 1.5 – 2 hours and is generally considered not painful. Ladies with a very low pain threshold may experience the treatment as painful.

The treatment lasts 1 to 2 years.

The shelf life can be shortened:

If you have very oily skin, bleed easily during the treatment, are very blond, have a very light color applied, have ever had PMU or had your eyebrows lasered.

No, cannot be applied to:

Pregnant ladies, hepatitis patients, diabetes patients, people who have cardiovascular disease and people who have been taking blood thinners for a very long time. When using Roaccutane, permanent make-up should not be applied until the end of the treatment. Unless approved with a doctor’s certificate.
Not everyone is eligible to have SPMU installed. Therefore, read our PMU conditions carefully before booking an appointment via the link at the bottom of our website.

This is possible if the PMU is extremely faded and is almost no longer visible. In that case it is always better to send a photo in advance to discuss the possibilities.

The color is chosen in consultation or depending on the natural color of the hairs.

Ombre means that the front is made lighter than the ends, as natural eyebrows usually are. This is especially possible for customers who naturally have little hair in the front part or who want a very natural effect.

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